Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

[News] Burqa to bikini at Egypt's women-only beach

Islamic hymns fade out giving way to Arabic pop music as women remove their veils to reveal bikinis or one-piece swimsuits at a religiously correct beach for women only in Egypt.

Welcome to "La Femme", French for "The Woman", in the posh resort of Marina, where women can lounge on sunbeds, tan, join in a daily belly-dance contest or breastfeed their babies shielded by barriers of palm tree branches from the prying eyes of men.

The branches even stretch into the Mediterranean sea to give maximum shelter to the women, who have faced the constraints of growing conservatism in this mostly Muslim country.

"Sometimes I turn around and look behind to make sure there are no men. And, thank God, there aren't any," said Safa, a Cairo resident in her 60s, who enjoys the privacy of La Femme beach club.

"It is 'haram' (forbidden in Islam) to strut around in front of men in a swimsuit," she said, as she basked in the sun. "It is an excellent idea to have a beach reserved for women only."

Most of the women at the beach are upper-class like Safa, who can afford to dish out $US14 ($A16.11) dollars on weekdays and $US16 ($A18.41) on the weekend for the privilege of entering the gated beach club to preserve their modesty.

A growing number of Egyptian women from all walks of life have opted for strict Muslim guidelines such as wearing scarves to cover their heads and conservative clothes with high necklines and long sleeves.

Marwa is among those who have chosen to abide by the Islamic dress code.
"Being a veiled woman I have no other option but to go to a women only beach," she said as she slips a short yellow beach dress over her swimsuit.

A few seats away Sara, 20, is relaxing in an itsy-bitsy bikini that she donned after removing her Muslim scarf.

"It is wonderful here. We don't have to put up with the prying eyes of men. But on the mixed beaches it is unbearable," said Sara.

At mixed beaches where women and men are allowed, many girls shield themselves by wearing so-called 'sharia' (Islamic law) swimsuits that cover them from the neck down to the ankles and look more live diving suits.

"The 'sharia' swimsuits are not practical," said Marwa, who says she is as happy as a "fish in water" at La Femme, where she feels she can be herself.

The only moment of concern for Marwa is when young men riding jet skis try to inch their way closer to the coast to sneak a view of the women.

To ensure the women's "sanctity", guards at the entrance to the club search all the beach bags to keep out any cameras that could be used to take pictures of bikini-clad bathers that could end up on the internet.

La Femme is not the sole women-only beach to make a brisk business in Egypt. The first of its kind, Yachmak, opened in 2004.

At the time, its founder Walid Mustafa told reporters: "At the end of the day we belong to a conservative society. We cannot forget that."

"We need to respond to the needs of the community."

In the view of sociologist Dalal al-Bizri, Egypt is gripped by "a sort of religious hysteria." Beaches like La Femme "reflect the general mood in the country," where some 80 per cent of women today wear the veil, she said.

Egypt was once was one of the most liberal Arab countries and the first to give women the franchise in 1956.

But after an increase in religious conservatism in recent decades - the key opposition group is now the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood that promotes sharia - bare-headed women have become a small minority and many of them are Coptic Christians, who account for only a slice of the country's 80 million people.

Officially, however, wearing the head veil is not required, as it is in strictly conservative Muslim nations such as Saudi Arabia or Iran.

Many women themselves say they seek out segregated beaches like La Femme out of religious considerations, but they have their critics.

A security guard posted a few yards outside the beach club argued that such places catering to the whims of women were just another form of "decadence".

A motorist agreed.

"These women should fear God, not men," he said, asking why they could not keep the belly-dancing for home and family events.


Of course those women fear God, that's why they strict to the rule by "avoiding" men..

Jumat, 08 Agustus 2008


Verily all praise and thanks is due to Allah, we thank and praise Him and we seek His aid and depend upon Him and we ask Him for forgiveness and seek refuge in Him from the evils of ourselves and the wickedness of our deeds. Whoever Allah guides there is no one who can lead him astray, and whoever Allah leads astray there is none who can guide him. I testify that there is nothing deserving of worship in truth except Allah Who is Alone and without any partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is the slave servant and final Prophet and Messenger of Allah. Verily the most truthful and correct speech is the Book of Allah and best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). The worst of all matters in religion are those newly invented matters and each invented matter is a forbidden innovation and every forbidden innovation is a straying and every straying is in the fire.

"If I were not a Muslim, I would have contracted AIDS" proclaimed my friend. "The ayats in Sura Nur about lowering our gazes doesn't affect me anymore," expressed another youth, talking about the intense temptations felt by today's young. Difficulty in lowering the gaze by both the young and old is readily perceived on the street, weddings, parties and even in the mosques. What has gone wrong? How can Muslims, called by Allah, our Creator, the model community, the custodians of Truth and the upholders of morality behave this way? Why are we adopting the attitudes and routes of the kuffar? How can we rectify ourselves? What follows is practical and straightforward advice that can work for us and set us free from Satan's stronghold, Inshaa Allah.

Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), by way of warning and as a reminder said, "There is nothing left after I go more dangerous to men than the temptations of women." [Al-Bukhaari] Being optimistic, a ray of hope was also wisely provided during the Prophet's Last Sermon "There are two things I have left that if the Ummah holds on to they will never go astray the Book of Allah and my Sunnah." [Al-Haakim] When Allah created humans with all our desires and urges, he also revealed to us sufficient and complete guidance to properly channel these desires, both in the midst of Dar-ul-Kufr or Dar-ul-Islam. All we need to do is seek it, contemplate on it and pursue it. "This day I have perfected your deen for you, completed my favors upon you and chosen Islam as your deen." (Al-Maida 5:4)

We should realize the fact the great companions (radiallahu 'anhum) were human beings also. Biologically they were no different from us. They had desires and temptations but yet, they controlled themselves in the best of ways. We can do the same, in shaa Allah. To possess sensual passions is human, to control them is Muslim.

When confronted with an alluring situation like passing by the opposite sex on the street, office or school, Shaitan is constantly tempting us to glare at her/him with evil thoughts. Shaitan is probably excitedly saying, with a big smile, 'Yes, yes, yes!' when we steer into the bait he is setting. During these situations, we should immediately and consciously realize that when we give a second or following glance we are obeying Satan. "O you who believe, follow not the footsteps of the devil" (24:21). By immediately averting our gazes and disobeying Shaitan, we are giving him a "one-two" punch in the face, leaving him frustrated and accursed.

Shaitan rebelled and was expelled by Allah, so let's all rebel against Shaitan and expel him from our hearts. Shaitan intends to fight a war against Muslims, so let's gather our forces behind the Qur'aan and the Sunnah and defeat him. Remember that even if no human eye is watching us, the Ever-Watchful Allah is constantly monitoring the innermost regions of our hearts. Our eyes, limbs, tongue and private parts will be witnesses on the Day of Ressurection and not an atom's worth of deeds will remain unexamined. Our minds are conditioned to associate thoughts of stealing clothes from a store to being in handcuffs and hauled into a police van. Likewise, we should condition our minds to bring the verses of Surah An-Nur in front of our eyes during any tempting situations and imagine that Allah is speaking to us directly: "Say to the believing, men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty. O you believers! Turn you all together towards Allah that you may attain success" (24:30-31) If the Qur'aan contained only these two ayats, it would be enough to convince me that it is the book of Allah.

With practice, these associations and the remembrance of Allah during tempting situations will prevent us from getting stuck by devilish arrows. Successfully controlling our gazes also increases our avoidance of sinful situations. An Islamic idiom says, "Anything that leads to haram is haram in itself." To do a pious deed earns a reward; to avoid a sin earns a reward too.

One of the biggest culprits in this class is movies. In the name of entertainment, to please our peers and children and an excuse to do something together as a family, we astonishingly allow un-Islamic pictures and dialogues in front of our eyes and ears. Can we ever imagine (a'udhubillah) any sahaba renting the latest hit from Blockbuster Video, or listening to music with alluring lyrics at high volume?

Likewise we watch news on TV and stare at the anchor women, adorned in heavy make-up, scanty clothing and seductive smile. Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam), was once approached by a woman with a proposal for marriage. He took a single glance at her face and turned his face away. Jabir bin Abdullah (radiallahu 'anhu) reported: I asked Allah's messenger about the sudden glance on the face of a non-mahram. He commanded me that I should turn away my eyes. (Muslim) Thus, we are not supposed to stare at faces of non-mahram females, be they are our fellow students, our elders, saleswomen or someone on TV. In our wedding ceremonies and parties and even in many Islamic fundraising dinners, there is heavy free-mixing between brothers and sisters. Often the chairs of males and females are arranged facing each other, knowing that about ninety percent of our sisters do not wear hijab. It is often noticeable to see males and females peeking glances at each other from the opposite ends of the hall. A big curtain is not my intention, but a big iman and befitting Islamic manners is.

The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, "Verily a woman who is perfumed and passes by men and they smell her scent, is called a zaaniyah (fornicatress or adultress) in the heavens" [Ahmed and others with a hasan isnaad, Saheeh Al-Jaami' 2701]. Compare this with our sisters who clad themselves with expensive perfume, one kilogram of makeup, and then come to mixed gatherings. Will this not attract the attention of males? Let's be real. We have lowered our moral guards so low that a humble word of truth often seems so awfully strange. Let us contemplate the above humble advice and constantly make the supplication, "O Allah help us control our sensual desires until we get married, and even after we marry, let our desires be only towards our spouses.


Lower your gaze brother..!!


Verily all praise and thanks is due to Allah, we thank and praise Him and we seek His aid and depend upon Him and we ask Him for forgiveness and seek refuge in Him from the evils of ourselves and the wickedness of our deeds. Whoever Allah guides there is no one who can lead him astray, and whoever Allah leads astray there is none who can guide him. I testify that there is nothing deserving of worship in truth except Allah Who is Alone and without any partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is the slave servant and final Prophet and Messenger of Allah. Verily the most truthful and correct speech is the Book of Allah and best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). The worst of all matters in religion are those newly invented matters and each invented matter is a forbidden innovation and every forbidden innovation is a straying and every straying is in the fire.

It's quite a long time, since the first time i heard my brother said to me.. 'lower your gaze brother..'.. it happened on Islamic concert, here in Melbourne.. when a lot of young people came together, young women and young men.. I was so amazed when i saw this athmosphere nearly similar in Indonesia with all around we can see were just our brothers and sisters.. Muslim, and muslimah.. However.. so amazed, that i was forgot to lower my gaze, until Brother Fariz told me to do so... Jazakumullah brother..

Here in Melbourne not only when summer that women dress minimally but also a dress that not cover properly also worn in cold season. Therefore.. i fell the urgency to know more about lowering our gaze, as a muslim.. to the opposite sex.. here i've got some article.. hope will be useful..

Jumat, 06 Juni 2008

This Month's Tausiyahs.. :-)

Rasulullah SAW. bersabda, "Barangsiapa menahan amarahnya maka ALLAH menutupi aibnya. Dan barang siapa mampu mengendalikan kemarahannya padahal dia mampu melampiaskannya maka Allah akan memenuhi hatinya dengan optimisme (pengharapan) yang baik kelak pada hari kiamat." (HR ath-Thabrani)

Tidak diketahui kesabaran dan lapang dada seseorang kecuali ketika dia marah. Tidak diketahui seorang itu pemberani , kecuali dalam peperangan (pertempuran). Dan tidak diketahui kawan setia kecuali pada saat Anda membutuhkannya. (Ulama)

Rasulullah SAW. bersabda, "Allah suka jika salah seorang dari kalian mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan dengan penuh ketekunan (keahlian-profesional)." (Muttafaq alaih)

Rasulullah SAW. bersabda, "Tidak ada rezeki yang lebih baik dan lebih luas bagi seorang hamba daripada sabar." (al-Hadits)

Penjelasan: arti rezeki di sini ialah karunia Allah.

"Barang siapa yang berbuat suatu kebaikan untukmu, maka balaslah kebaikannya itu (dengan yang setimpal). Sekiranya kamu tidak mampu membalasnya, maka doakanlah ia hingga kamu yakin bahwa kamu telah mensyukurinya. Sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang bersyukur." (HR.Thabrani)

Jumat, 02 Mei 2008

Ayat, Hadits, dan Pepatah Bijak Today..

Beberapa ayat, hadits, dan petuah, yang insya Allah mengandung hikmah.. semoga bisa kembali mengingatkan..

"...Perbuatan-perbuatan baik itu menghapus kesalahan-kesalahan. Itulah peringatan bagi orang-orang yang selalu mengingat (Allah). Dan bersabarlah, karena sesungguhnya Allah tidak menyia-nyiakan pahala orang yang berbuat kebaikan." (Huud: 114-115)

Meletihkan tubuh hari ini agar bisa beristirahat esok hari adalah lebih baik daripada beristirahat hari ini untuk keletihan esok hari. (Arif bijak)

Rasulullah saw. bersabda, "Hendaklah kamu bertakwa kepada Allah. Jika seseorang mengungkapkan keburukan yang ada pada dirimu yang dia ketahui maka janganlah kamu mengungkap keburukan yang ada pada dirinya yang kamu ketahui." (HR Ahmad dan at-Tirmidzi)

Mata yang ridha kabur melihat segala cacat.
Mata kebencian enampakkan segala kesalahan. (Syair)

Al-Imam Ibnu Qayyim berkata,"Waspadalah terhadap dua golongan manusia, yaitu pengabdi hawa nafsu yang disesatkan oleh nafsunya dan pecinta dunia yang dibutakan mata hatinya oleh dunianya."

"Dalam beramal shaleh, kita harus harder (berusaha keras dan bersungguh-sungguh mengerjakannya), smarter (berusaha secara cerdas mengerjakan amal shaleh yang bernilai tinggi), dan speedy (bersegera mengerjakannya, tidak menunda-nunda)." (Dikutip dari buku "Agar Timbangan Menjadi Berat", karya Budi Handrianto).

Minggu, 13 April 2008

Quote/Tausiyah of the day

Quote/Tausiyah of the day..

Just want to put it some words that may be useful to remind us, refresh our mind..

Some of these will use Bahasa, other might be in English..

Tausiyah for this day..

"Barangsiapa rindu kepada kehidupan akhirat maka ia akan terhindar dari dorongan syahwat. Barangsiapa takut neraka, ia akan menjauhi yang haram. Barangsiapa mencari surga, ia akan melakukan ketaatan. Dan barangsiapa zuhud dari kemewahan kehidupan dunia maka ringanlah baginya musibah di dunia".(Ulama)

Kamis, 10 April 2008

I know it..

Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya.. bahwa keimanan akan naik, meningkat, dan bertambah dengan ketaatan.. maka latihlah diri untuk selalu dalam rangka ketaatan kepada Allah Swt. Walaupun di saat yang susah sekalipun, yakinlah bahwa apapun yang kita usahakan, meskipun sedikit dan kecil, akan mendapatkan balasannya. Insya Allah. Mari kita sama2 berusaha untuk meyakin janji Allah.

Sementara itu kita juga menyadari, jikalau kita tidak menempa diri dengan ketaatan, maka potensi untuk kemaksiatanlah yang akan datang.. Seseorang tidak bisa mengatakan dirinya berada di tengah-tengah, tidak sedang naik atau turun keimanannya, melainkan pasti salah satunya yang terjadi. Entah sedang meningkat atau malah menurun keimanannya.. Fa alhamaha fujuraha wa taqwaha.. ada potensi fujur dan taqwa. Maka ambillah taqwa sebagai pilihan kita.

As simple as that in theory.. mungkin dengan sedikit ilmu yang kita miliki ini, kita harus terus berjuang untuk melalui semua jalan kehidupan dengan ujian2nya. Untuk itulah, semangat dalam mencari ilmu, penting untuk bisa menguatkan keyakinan dan keimanan kita..Let's study Islam, so everyday we can gain more knowledge and can be implemented in our life insya Allah.

Senin, 07 April 2008

Keimanan yang bisa naik dan turun..

Duduk diam dan berpikir..
Akankah jalan kehidupan ini berakhir dengan akhir yang baik..
Melakukan apa yang menjadi tujuan hidup ini; Beribadah kepada-Nya?

Ya Allah.. Sungguh iman itu bertambah(naik) dan turun..
"al imanu yaziidu wa yanqush.."

Bertambah dengan ketaatan, menurun karena maksiat..

Sungguh benar suatu ungkapan.. yang menyebutkan..
Sesungguhnya kondisi keimanan setiap orang tidak ada yang berada di tengah-tengah.. kalau tidak sedang meningkat, pasti dia sedang menurun..

Maka ketika keimanan itu turun karena maksiat, dia tidak akan berada di tengah2,apalagi naik menjadi beriman, malah terus menurun.. kecuali apabila orang tersebut sadar dan tidak mengulangi hal maksiat,menggantinya dengan kebaikan2 yang akan mengarahkan kepada bertambahnya keimanan orang tersebut karena ketaatannya kepada Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala..

Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

Menggapai Cinta Allah


Dalam amal ubudiyah, cinta (mahabbah) menempati derajat yang paling tinggi. Mencintai Allah dan Rasul-Nya berarti melaksanakan seluruh amanat dan ajaran Al-Qur'an dan Sunnah Rasul, disertai luapan kalbu yang dipenuhi rasa cinta. Pada mulanya, perjalanan cinta seorang hamba menapaki derajat mencintai Allah. Namun pada akhir perjalanan ruhaninya, sang hamba mendapatkan derajat wahana yang dicintaiNya. Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: "Allah, Yang Maha Agung dan Mulia menjumpaiku - yakni dalam tidurku - kemudian berfirman kepadaku, "Wahai Muhammad, katakanlah : .Ya Allah, aku memohon kepada-Mu untuk mencintai-Mu, mencintai siapa saja yang mencintai-Mu, serta mencintai perbuatan yang mengantarkan aku untuk mencintai-Mu.".

Dalam buku "Mahabbatullah" (mencintai Allah), Imum Ibnu Qayyim menuturkan tahapan-tahapan menuju wahana cinta Allah. Bahwasanya cinta senantiasa berkaitan dcngan amal. Dan amal sangat tergantung pada keikhlasan kalbu, disanalah cinta Allah berlabuh. Itu karena Cinta Allah merupakan refleksi dari disiplin keimanan dan kecintaan yang terpuji, bukan kecintaan yagn tercela yang menjerumuskan kepada cinta selain Allah..

Tahapan-tahapan menuju wahana cinta kepada Allah adalah sebagai berikut:

.1. Membaca al-Qur'an dengan merenung dan memahami kandungan maknanya sesuai dengan maksudnya yang benar. Itu tidak lain adalah renungan seorang hamba Allah yang hafal dan mampu menjelaskan al-Qur'an agar dipahami maksudnya sesuai dengan kehendak Allah swt. Al-Qur'an merupakan kemuliaan bagi manusia yang tidak bisa ditandingi dengan kemuliaan apapun. Ibnu Sholah mengatakan "Membaca Al-Qur'an merupakan kemuliaan, dengan kemuliaan itu Allah ingin memuliakan manusia di atas mahluk lainnya. Bahkan malaikat pun tidak pernah diberi kemuliaan semacam itu, malah mereka selalu berusaha mendengarkannya dari manusia".

.2. Taqarub kepada Allah swt, melalui ibadah-ibadah sunnah setalah melakukan ibadah-ibadah fardlu. Orang yang menunaikan ibadah-ibadah fardlu dengan sempurna mereka itu adalah yang mencintai Allah. Sementara orang yang menunaikannya kemudian menambahnya dengan ibadah-ibadah sunnah, mereka itu adalah orang yang dicintai Allah. Ibadah-ibadah sunnah untuk mendekatkan diri kepada Allah, diantaranya adalah: shalat-shalat sunnah, puasa-puasa sunnah, sedekah sunnah dan amalan-amalan sunnah dalam Haji dan Umrah.

.3. Melanggengkan dzikir kepada Allah dalam segala tingkah laku, melaui lisan, kalbu, amal dan perilaku. Kadar kecintaan seseorang terhadap Allah tergantung kepada kadar dzikirnya kepadaNya. Dzikir kepada Allah merupakan syiar bagi mereka yang mencintai Allah dan orang yang dicintai Allah. Rasulullah s.a.w. pernah bersabda: "Sesungguhnya Allah azza wajalla berfirman :"Aku bersama hambaKu, selama ia mengingatKu dan kedua bibirnya bergerak (untuk berdzikir) kepadaKu".

.4. Cinta kepada Allah melebihi cinta kepada diri sendiri. Memprioritaskan cinta kepada Allah di atas cinta kepada diri sendiri, meskipun dibayang-bayangi oleh hawa nafsu yang selalu mengajak lebih mencintai diri sendiri. Artinya ia rela mencintai Allah meskipun beresiko tidak dicintai oleh mahluk. Inilah derajat para Nabi, diatas itu derajat para Rasul dan diatasnya lagi derajat para rasulul Ulul Azmi, lalu yang paling tinggi adalah derajat Rasulullah Muhammad s.a.w. sebab beliau mampu melawan kehendak dunia seisinya demi cintanya kepada Allah.

.5. Kontinuitas musyahadah (menyaksikan) dan ma'rifat (mengenal) Allah s.w.t..Penglihatan kalbunya terarah kepada nama-nama Allah dan sifat-sifatNya. Kesadaran dan penglihatan kalbunya berkelana di taman ma'rifatullah (pengenalan Allah yang paling tinggi). Barang siapa ma'rifat kepada asma-asma Allah, sifat-sifat dan af'al-af'al Allah dengan penyaksian dan kesadaran yang mendalam, niscaya akan dicintai Allah.

.6. Menghayati kebaikan, kebesaran dan nikmat Allah lahir dan batin akan mengantarkan kepada cinta hakiki kepadaNya. Tidak ada pemberi nikmat dan kebaikan yang hakiki selain Allah. Oleh sebab itu, tidak ada satu pun kekasih yang hakiki bagi seorang hamba yang mampu melihat dengan mata batinnya, kecuali Allah s.w.t. Sudah menjadi sifat manusia, ia akan mencintai orang baik, lembut dan suka menolongnya dan bahkan tidak mustahil ia akan menjadikannya sebagai kekasih. Siapa yang memberi kita semua nikmat ini? Dengan menghayati kebaikan dan kebesaran Allah secara lahir dan batin, akan mengantarkan kepada rasa cinta yang mendalam kepadaNya.

.7. Ketertundukan hati secara total di hadapan Allah, inilah yang disebut dengan khusyu'. Hati yang khusyu' tidak hanya dalam melakukan sholat tetapi dalam semua aspek kehidupan ini, akan mengantarkan kepada cinta Allah yang hakiki.

.8. Menyendiri bersama Allah ketika Dia turun. Kapankan itu?.Yaitu saat sepertiga terakhir malam. Di saat itulah Allah s.w.t. turun ke dunia dan di saat itulah saat yang paling berharga bagi seorang hamba untuk mendekatkan diri kepadaNya dengan melaksanakan sholat malam agar mendapatkan cinta Allah.

.9. Bergaul dengan orang-orang yang mencintai Allah, maka iapun akan mendapatkan cinta Allah s.w.t.

.10. Menjauhi sebab-sebab yang menghalangi komunikai kalbu dan Al-Khaliq, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.

Disarikan oleh Muhammad Dzaki Ismail

Sumber :

Cinta Kepada Allah...

"MAHABBATULLAH" (Tentang Cinta Kepada Allah)

Sewaktu masih kecil Husain (cucu Rasulullah Saw.) bertanya kepada ayahnya, Sayyidina Ali ra: "Apakah engkau mencintai Allah?" Ali ra menjawab, "Ya". Lalu Husain bertanya lagi: "Apakah engkau mencintai kakek dari Ibu?" Ali ra kembali menjawab, "Ya". Husain bertanya lagi: "Apakah engkau mencintai Ibuku?" Lagi-lagi Ali menjawab,"Ya". Husain kecil kembali bertanya: "Apakah engkau mencintaiku?" Ali menjawab, "Ya". Terakhir Si Husain yang masih polos itu bertanya, "Ayahku, bagaimana engkau menyatukan begitu banyak cinta di hatimu?" Kemudian Sayyidina Ali menjelaskan: "Anakku, pertanyaanmu hebat! Cintaku pada kekek dari ibumu (Nabi Saw.), ibumu (Fatimah ra) dan kepada kamu sendiri adalah kerena cinta kepada Allah". Karena sesungguhnya semua cinta itu adalah cabang-cabang cinta kepada Allah Swt.

Tentang cinta kepada Allah, Al Ghazali merumuskan lima sebab yang menimbulkannya.
1.Orang mengenal dirinya dan Allah dengan makrifah yang benar, ia pasti akan mencintai Allah.
2.Orang yang mencintai kepada yang berbuat baik kepadanya, dan ia mengerti bahwa yang berbuat baik sebab Allah.
3.Kecintaan terhadap seluruh makhluk sebab Allah pun mencintai seluruh makhluk.
4.Mencintai kepada setiap keindahan sebab keindahan itu sendiri, bukan sebab keuntungan lain, di balik itu ada keindahan Allah.
5.Cinta yang timbul sebab saling menyesuaikan."Ya Allah karuniakan kepadaku kecintaan kepada-Mu, kecintaan kepada orang yang mencintai-Mu dan kecintaan apa saja yang mendekatkan diriku pada kecintaan-Mu. Jadikanlah dzat-Mu lebih aku cintai dari pada air yang dingin."


Jumat, 14 Maret 2008

Reflective me.. A new start..

Then.. we say.. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..

This blog was made because i would like to wrote my thought, mind, feeling, and another things. As a beginner in 'diary theme' blog, i just make a quick start of it.. Keep every post simple, but hopefully deep in meaning.

Hi all viewers of my blog.. Just introduce little bit in my way of thinking.. how i develop my thought, may be you can generally guess my preference, and my style..when looking in things.

Does not mean you have to understand and follow it..


Take every good things, and leave the bad one.. okay..

Enjoy my reflection....